Monday, April 21, 2008

logic vs

reflecting on the past 7 months is not as easy as I thought it would be...mostly because I sit in meetings and take notes in a journal...

I dig journals.

if i were more logical, though, I would have separate journals for the separate projects I play about in....but, I tend to use one journal for an unset amount of time. I record my thoughts, to do lists, and other important scribbles for every single endeavor I've got going.

and so this makes it hard to look back and decipher what is what...

yes, I know; I am a librarian, and librarians are known for organizing information...

I though, am peculiar by sheer nature, and I am, and will likely always be, a work in progress.


mikey141414 said...

I am always amazed that you are able find what you are searching for. Perhaps those little clear, colored tabs for your pages. Maybe the little red sticky flags. Maybe starting an excel sheet with all of your notes categorized and cross-referencable with national databases?

Well, then it just wouldn't be you.


angel said...

I'm not quite sure what
that word even means!
I will see you tonight.