Monday, May 12, 2008

field trip

mikey and I met today at the RDA and quickly decided to take a field trip out to the mural's location.

we needed to figure out how we wanted to 'rock' the thrivent day event and figured inspiration could only come from being in the actual environment.

like many times before, standing on the lot at 42nd and Mission, I was amazed by it's vast size.

we discovered trash that needed to be removed, trees that needed to be cut down and removed, large holes of water that need to be filled... and most importantly: a water source.

we've always known we would have to spray down the wall prior to any primer or paint application and have fretted over where we would get water from....

voula' there is a water hydrant...or is it a fire hydrant?
;-) it's one of those, yes?

we took pictures, walked through the over grown high cricket chirping grass, much to my dismay ;-), and chatted about the upcoming event on May 24th.

We've pretty much decided on removing the trash and trees; mowing the grass, filling the holes, priming the wall, planting flowers--trees, and creating a mini art piece on a sign that sits at the forefront of the lot. This mini art piece will display future spot of The 42nd YouthMural Project. On the back of the sign we hope to list the names of every single person that has contributed to this project.

We will need to get certain things approved via the property owner and with Wendy, but Thrivent Day is seemingly planned!

We will need volunteers... so email me if you're interested. It will likely be in the afternoon, and we are hoping to pull in 5th graders from Frank Rushton, a group mikey and joel work with, to help with the landscaping. I will publish more information about the Thrivent Grant that helped fund this particular event once I have the precise details from Mikey.

Ya' know, I read an article several months ago about ascetics and community pride: Civic pride is often associated with the aesthetic and visual qualities of a community — qualities that make a community unique among its neighbors and special to its residents.

I do believe our efforts on May 24th will reside within this very regard.


mikey141414 said...

The times for the Thrivent Day will be 9:00 AM till around noon or 1.

Kelly Sime said...

oh, I would totally be up for helping out if circumstances allowed. Can't wait for O and I to visit when it's finished.