Monday, September 8, 2008

Sorry I am late getting this put up:::
USD 500 School Board Meeting at Rosedale Middle School 5:00 on Oct. 14
3600 Springfield.
We are hoping to pack the place to show the school board that this community means business! We are not going to sit by and watch our children fall away to drugs, crime, and riff raff. We are her to support our children, give them positives and watch them take care of us in 50 years!

So, come on out to this thing.



Diane said...

I would love to come to this meeting. Is the Rosedale Mural project on the agenda or are you seeking to respond to something that has been presented?

angel said...

i don't believe we are on the agenda.
but wouldn't that be fruitful.
could we mikey?
get on the agenda.

mikey141414 said...

Yes, I tried to contact the Board Clerk, but I was too late today to get a hold of this person. I will try again on Monday.