Saturday, August 30, 2008

august breeze

august has been cooler than expected this year. 

instead of staunch heat that is as still as a Greek statue , the breeze is sweet and the airs spins about. 

this morning was no exception.

heading down to the 39th street district near kumed for breakfast, we slipped by the mural site.
and just as I thought, holly and several youth from the area were out painting. 

we honked and waved before heading over to Cafe 39. breakfast as usual was wonderful.

after breakfast and a minor search for a pirate hat, we went back over and chatted with holly and the youth.

they were having lunch.  a neighborhood member had stopped and dropped off water.  holly informed me that they'd been out on the lot since 9am and planned to stay until around 5pm.

It's difficult for me to articulate how pleased I am with this project... this community deserves this mural and much more... I just hope that we can push forward and secure funding for the remaining part of this project as well as establish a community garden.  

there is still so much work to be done....
but the august breeze instills a sense of true belief in tomorrow's potential. 

cheers. happy holiday.



Kelly Sime said...

keep up the good work!

Diane said...

I saw the students painting today and was so excited! Congrats and what an incredible accomplishment!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.