Sunday, April 19, 2009

april 25th event

come out if you can. 10am.
Saturday April 25th.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

it is spring!

i love spring storms. breeze. raindrops. change. ;-)

the dumpster at 42nd and Mission Road has been removed!

here's a few new photos--the new slide show includes allllllllllllllll the trash:

but all trash is gone.
our next event is april 25th at 10am. I will post information on it tmrw.
look for the RDA's newletter aswell--it will have information on the event.


Sunday, April 5, 2009

is it spring yet?

ah, such weather these days, eh? it snowed something fierce a week or so ago. then spring sat on the horizon for a few sweet days but then today, sunday funday, another cold front--- producing goosebumps and flurries alike. c'est le vie......much like our up down the 42nd street mural project.

we have some amazing art blooming on the concrete slabs & we are planning a spring event on April 25th, sponsored by the blood bank at kumed to bring attention back to the project and clean up/revatalize our hopes, but in the back corner of the lot sits a huge trash bin that has begun to overflow. glass and old couches are among the many things that are beginning to take over our precious lot. it is our hope that the company who has placed this trash bin on the lot will take responsibility for it's property and the aestic importance of not allowing trash and old remanants to pile up and fester... to remove what needs to be removed....

should we only hope?